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Album of the week: Kampfar - Kvass

Kampfar Songs streamen | RTL+

For the idea behind the album of the week, go here. (It is becoming more like the album of the month, but I'm defiantly carrying on  as best as I can. ;-))     

Quite a while ago, I had already listened to another Kampfar record. I liked their rather natural, traditional style and form of black metal, the vocals and Norwegian lyrics, their neither "true", but undecipherable low-fi production nor their overly modern and soulless production and the general feel of the music, which was melodic and somewhat mournful. The record I chose this week still fits that bill. Released in 2006, it could come straight out of 1994 and bears (at least to my ears!) somewhat a resemblance to Satyricon's "The Shadowthrone", for which I have always had a soft spot. But whereas for the other record (see above), it was difficult to pick out highlight songs as it was a rather homogenous record, for this record this is not the case. The best songs of this record (which only consists of 6 songs in total!) literally cry for your attention and are very memorable. The other songs are fine & atmospheric if somewhat formulaic black metal.

Standout track: the unexpectedly catchy "Ravenheart" (the only song in English),  the odyssey that is "Ildverden"  & the utterly majestic "Til siste mann" (particularly the last riff at the end,which has a touch of "Mother North" by Satyricon, is awesome!)



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